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Block I - Instrument

This the instrument I had made, I put different material in the toilet paper roll and put a cover on it, so when I hit different roll, it can come out with different sound, I can play drum for my team, but at the moment, I’m still thinking should I just use my finger to hit the drums, or use a pen, because using pen is not really effective, but using pen is easier.

Year 1

Block II - Weapon

I got inspired by homemade craft to making this idea. The purpose of this idea is to inspire the children to create the little weapon with serious damage. When we were young, we always want to have our own weapon in our imagination, that why we always buy weapon toys such as guns, arrows, sword... But instead of buying from the store, people can create own unique toy weapon.

According to my Database, I chose the idea of "People staying at home compare to staying outside". It is really clear to understand from the name of the idea, My model is to present the time that people spend on society and home. And the concept of the boat is representing home, which there is storm everywhere in the sea, but home is like your safe house to keep you warm and safe. The maze is represented 3 stages of your life: Lost, fit in, become one another. I personally think I wasn't creative enough for this project, it's really simple and boring just like what people did in primary, but the lesson I had to learn from here is to try not to think normal, I always try to get the message straight and clear, and it lost the creativity with it.

Block III - Data
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